Exclusive customer event for travel suppliers
We had a great little event on 19.02.2020 in the restaurant sansaro: the tour operator DIAMIR, specialist for small group tours, presented the travel program for Japan to customers!
Ready to go: the restaurant SUSHIYA sansaro in Munich is booked exclusively for a customer event and it can start.
DIAMIR describes itself as a specialist for adventure travel - especially in Japan it is very important to plan a trip specifically beforehand. Because Japan is an exciting country, but not a typical travel destination: this country wants to be experienced specifically and guided! Which can be decidedly difficult spontaneously and without good planning, if you don't happen to be able to speak and, above all, read Japanese...
On our homepage we inform our restaurant guests when we are closed.
We would like to thank DIAMIR for the very interesting event for our team and we would like to thank all our guests for the great feedback we received for our service and cuisine that evening! Thank you very much and see you soon at sansaro.
Reise nach Japan 草萌え Frühlingserwachen
Nach dem großen Erfolg unseres Menüs Wintersonnenwende ist es ab Anfang März Zeit für einen Neubeginn 草萌え KusamoeFrühlingserwachen 2025 „Kusamoe“