Christmas menu 2022 sansaro | SUSHIYA sansaro

Christmas menu 2022 sansaro

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An eventful 2022 is behind us - and although almost every evening is very busy in our restaurant sansaro, the kitchen team around Chef Matsui did not miss the opportunity to design another Christmas menu for three festive days in December.

Christmas menu 2022 in restaurant sansaro

The menu is available - in limited edition - from December 23 to 25, 2022 (December 26 falls on a Monday, when we are currently closed).

Here we publish for now only a photo as a preview and a short menu description. 

Make your reservation in time under selection "Experience Christmas Menu 2022" so that you are also there -. we expect that the menu will be sold out before 23 December!

Since we also offer à la carte on these days (possibly with a slightly reduced selection of dishes), you can optionally extend your Christmas menu with additional Nigiri & Gunkan expand as desired.

Update 8.12.2022: Christmas menu unfortunately sold out. 

Sign in to the Newsletter to be part of future menus & events. If menus are still available due to cancellations, you will find out here or when you visit us on December 23 - 25 - we look forward to seeing you!

Zensai 前菜

  • 鰻白焼の煮凝り、和風春雨和え
  • Vermicelli with grilled fillets and broth jelly of eel, 
    Egg yolk sauce, chives, Myōga and wasabi
       The Japanese eel is of course freshly disassembled in our house, we will report on this when the opportunity arises.

Umi no Sachi 海の幸

  • 鮪赤身の昆布醤油〆

  • 平目と大葉の雲丹巻

  • 赤海老の手毬寿司、甘酢昆布

  • Tuna marinated in seaweed

  • Turbot rolled with sea urchin and shiso leaves

  • Temari sushi with red shrimp and Battera seaweed

Small, very fine sahimi & temari sushi in the 2022 Christmas menu at sansaro.

Of course, if you wish, you can also extend the menu by individual Nigiri additional according to your choice, if you want to eat especially much or want to experience a certain taste in addition.

Onmono to Oshokuji 温物とお食事

  • 合鴨の治部煮


  • 牡蠣のお粥

  • Regional cuisine from Kanazawa "Jibu-ni": Braised rouen duck, taro, shimeji mushrooms, mizuna, fried Tōfu, carrots and yuzu zest.

  • Kaki no Okayu (risotto-like rice porridge with oysters)

Kanmi 甘味

  • 黒豆とラズベリー入り抹茶ロールケーキ

  • Matcha roll cake with black beans and raspberries

Reserve for the Christmas menu

Our special Christmas menu 2022 is unfortunately only available on three days - from December 23 to 25. Per person, the menu of four courses costs 74 euros. Please understand that we cannot offer a vegetarian option and cannot accommodate special requests due to allergies.

UPDATE 8.12.22: Christmas Menu has been sold out! 

We can "only" offer à la Carte for those evenings, sorry!

Tip: Sake and wine accompaniment

We recommend the individually selected Sake-wine accompaniment for 36 euros per person, with which we have so far been at our Events have always inspired.

To reserve, select your desired time and seat, then click Experience. 

The Experience is only available at certain times, no later than 20.15h. The number of menus is limited, if we are sold out, we will post it here.

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.

Washoku Glossary

Washoku Glossary Japanese cuisine is an endless treasure chest of exciting stories. Here we link a few terms that remind us of

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