Business Bento November 2021 | SUSHIYA sansaro

Business Bento November 2021

Table of contents
In November 2021, we once again had the opportunity to prepare a special makunouchi bento à la SUSHIYA sansaro for a Japanese company in Munich. It is a great pleasure for us that Japanese companies again and again entrust us with the culinary responsibility for important business meetings.

Our chef thought very carefully about what he could serve for the occasion. It should be small appetizers that can be easily put in the mouth, without thereby interrupting the important meeting. At the same time, our chef attaches great importance to the decorative and colorful presentation of the dishes, so that visually for the connoisseur is also a beautiful picture. The inviting sight when opening the bento box simply sets a joyful mood! The carefully selected ingredients are refined in a variety of ways so that diners can enjoy a plethora of different flavor directions. Some are salty or sour, others have the subtle sweetness typical of Japanese cuisine or the typical Japanese fish broth "dashi" as a base. Meat, fish and vegetables in the dishes together form a wonderfully balanced diet.

Pork belly was simmered for a few hours along with the slightly sweet taste of fat, plus tuna marinated in salty Kōji and the whole thing baked. Menchi katsu (small minced meat croquettes) seasoned with mint and coated with panko (bread crumbs) and deep fried. Served with rice cooked with the flavor of a special clam dashi. The whole is rounded off with other trifles and specialties of Japanese cuisine.

Such special orders are a good opportunity for us to keep showing our customers new aspects and possibilities of Japanese cuisine.
We are always happy to cater special meals for special occasions, be it private events or corporate events, where high quality and the most authentic execution of all details are important. Unfortunately, this increases the planning effort, but we are happy if you get involved with Japanese cuisine and the experience and range of our chefs.

先日、在ミュンヘン の日系企業様から再度ご注文頂き、Sansaro特製の幕の内弁当をご用意致しました。大切なビジネスシーンにおいて、私共の料理を再びお選くださった事は何より光栄な事でございます。

こういった機会にお出しするお弁当には料理人の様々な思いが込められております。 スムーズにお口に運んでいただけるサイズのお料理は重要なご会合の邪魔になりません。お弁当の蓋を開けて皆様がほっと和んでいただけるよう盛り付けや食材の色合いにも心を配ります。塩気や酸味の効いた物、和食独特のほのかな甘味を感じていただける物、お出汁がじっくり沁みた物などなど、バラエティに富んだお料理をお楽しみ頂けるよう、細部にまで職人の技を活かします。もちろんお肉やお魚に豊富な野菜も入っており栄養にバランスも抜群です。
また特別注文のお料理は、私共にとりましてもSansaroの新しい一面と可能性をお客様に感じていただける大変貴重なチャンスでもあります。 今後ともお客様の大切なひと時にSansaroのお料理をお選びいただけるよう、私たちは日々精進して参ります。
Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.


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