legacy reservation tips | SUSHIYA sansaro

Tips for booking at Sushiya Sansaro

Please understand that we allocate tables in the order in which reservations are received and depending on the number of people.

Any reservation and hospitality with us is made exclusively on the basis of our AGB.

Hier einige Tips & Hinweise, damit wir die bestmöglichen Plätze für Sie reservieren können:

0. If possible please always reserve onlineWe will be happy to help you by phone for special cases or if you ask at short notice whether a place is still available spontaneously in the evening.

1. we generally ask that you provide your cell phone number and e-mail address so that we can stay in contact with our customers and can also reach you for queries about table planning! The e-mail address is transmitted on the part of OpenTable only to us if you click the check mark at "Register to receive mails from this restaurant to news and offers" - only so we can send you uncomplicated confirmations of changes etc.. (And yes, this is unfortunately very stupidly solved by OpenTable, our reservation provider. Unfortunately, we have not managed to enforce a change here with the international company).

2. please keep in mind that if you make a reservation, we will hold a table for you, adjust to your visit and turn away other guests if necessary. We therefore reserve the right to delete reservations with illegibly abbreviated names, fantasy names or false telephone numbers without further consultation! Please keep in mind that in such cases we often can't reach you to ask questions - if we don't receive your e-mail address or if you have entered a wrong phone number, we can't even contact you if the information is unclear.

If you have written in a request that we cannot fulfill and we are unable to reach you, we will in some cases Cancel your reservation to be on the safe side. Please do not interpret this as rudeness or as if we are not happy to see you - but we want to avoid unpleasant surprises when you come to us. At the same time, it is often enormously difficult to reach guests who do not share the email address with us and/or do not have an answering machine on their cell phone - we are then busy contacting the reservation provider OpenTable with the request that you may contact us to try to reach you by phone again and again - for this we do not have the capacity to follow up over sometimes several days.

3. please understand that in most cases (especially for reservations that are at least one day in the future) we compulsorily require an e-mail address for a reservation confirmation: too often it has happened that people have forgotten a reservation or simply misunderstood the time on the phone, which has led to trouble for you, other guests or us. We therefore send binding e-mail confirmations. You will therefore not be inundated with advertising emails: we very rarely send newsletters, which - regardless of the reservation confirmations - can also be cancelled at any time.

For some reservations, especially larger groups or from a certain time, we require since 2013 to secure the reservation with a credit card. The credit cards are secured and managed by a special company working for the reservation provider OpenTable. Since we introduced this rule, the problem of "fun reservations", due to which we have had to turn away other guests and we have incurred significant damage, has decreased significantly. You can find the binding information on this on www.sushiya.de/agb - our terms and conditions are the basis of every reservation and hospitality with us.

4. if you reserve online, then make sure that the check mark at "sansaro may send me email". (or similar, the texts are always changing) is set! Only then we get your e-mail address, with which we can reach you in case of queries, if this is not possible by cell phone. Therefore please also always use the Mobileplease include your number!

5. Our opening hours are sometimes subject to seasonal fluctuations, especially since it is necessary for a continuously high quality sushi and The opening hours of the hot kitchen require a higher number of competent cooks on site than in comparable other restaurants. Therefore, please inform yourself about the current opening hours on our homepage. On Sundays and holidays we are traditionally closed at noon. Please also understand when we On some days, where there may be less going on later in the evening (often Sunday and Monday or during important football matches etc) close the kitchen also times earlier! Our team works very hard, the preparations of the Japanese cuisine start long before you place your order and when the store is almost empty, we also want to take the opportunity to offer our team a breather.

6. to avoid long waiting times during peak hours, we recommend reservations right at the opening of business or in the evening a little later e.g. from 21h. If you want to make a quiet, relaxed atmosphere then Monday or Wednesday evenings are usually the best opportunities for you.

7. Important note for large groups: our kitchen is very small for the number of seats and each sushi is handmade. If you are five or more people, then it can quickly be that the preparation of the food takes some time - it also depends on what exactly you order and what the other tables that are in the restaurant at the same time. Especially if everyone is ordering sushi or all the main dishes from the hot kitchen, there may be a wait! Factor that in, order a few appetizers to snack on for everyone at the table, and if the order of courses is not that important to you, ask the wait staff to bring each dish individually if in doubt so that everyone does not have to wait long. Please be assured that our team is very concentrated and always works as fast as possible, but still the interaction "sushi + hot cuisine" is sometimes much more complicated than you are used to from other restaurants where there is only a hot kitchen.

8. please note that our kitchen can only manage a certain amount of guests at a time - sushi is an elaborate craft and our team works tremendously diligently to satisfy all demands. Nevertheless, the preparation of sushi takes a lot of time and therefore our reservation system is set to accept only a certain amount of guests at certain times. Therefore, please also come at the specified times: it is no use to make a reservation for 20h and write in the field "We will come already at 19.30h", then it may be that your place is not free yet and we also do not have an alternative place for you or we can not really take care of you.

In principle, we assign the tables in the order of receipt of the reservation and depending on the number of persons. Due to the limited space, we ask you to inform us if your number of people changes, even at short notice. This way we can ensure the best service for you and for others. Groups of 3 or more people may be placed at the large table ("Communal Table") depending on availability and time of day. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee a single table for such cases, because the large table is usually reserved only when the other tables are already occupied for that time. This is especially true if you reserve for 4 people at 19h or 19.30h. Therefore tip if you want a single table: book early and reserve early (eg 18.00h or 18.15h) or rather reserve later (20.30h or 20.45h etc). However, reservations for 2 people online are usually never placed at the large table, only manually if nothing else is free and on consultation.

10. we generally try to fulfill special requests, but we can not always guarantee or give feedback about it individually, we ask for your understanding. So it is often difficult for us to know what is meant by "beautiful table". We also sometimes cannot fulfill requests such as "A table by the wall" because you may be reserving for a time when those tables are simply not available. If you write "A table by the window", we regularly do not know if it means Japanese tatami or just a table by the window, but normal seating position. If we do not have your e-mail address (see above, point 3), it is also much more difficult to contact you about any queries. Sometimes we try to call guests back to coordinate special requests with them, but cannot reach the guests because they do not answer the phone and do not have an answering machine. Therefore, please understand if special requests are sometimes not fulfilled. This is not meant to be an expression of ignorance or lack of commitment to your wish. If you have special requests such as flowers on the table or similar, which we have to organize out of turn, so please write us in advance via the contact form, so that we can prepare or respond in time, because we do not get every day all reservations of the next 4 weeks reported.

11. Children in the restaurant sansaro: please pay attention to the mood in the restaurant for all guests.

Children are our future and can not follow all the rules for adults. We have many families with children who have been welcome guests for many years. At the same time, we want to make sure that the restaurant is there for all guests, and also, for example, a rendes-vouz at the neighboring table or a business lunch nearby can take place in the ambience that our guests expect from us. Therefore, we ask you to be careful that children are not too noisy or suddenly run around on the tatami in the restaurant interior. From painful experience we also have to say that it is forbidden to knock over lamps and other decorative objects for fun. Likewise we ask to refrain from using cell phones or tablets, etc., to watch videos with sound. Videos with sound to play. Thank you very much.

PS: Based on the experience of the last few days: please come on Friday or Saturday with children only if you can be sure that the children behave reasonably quiet! Our entire team strives to offer all guests a good time even in the greatest stress - this becomes incomparably more difficult when the evening begins with a child screaming loudly for 20 minutes. There we ask for understanding.

12. Dogs may be brought to us in principle, if they do not disturb other guests or the sense of hygiene.

Please let us know when you make your reservation, because we try - if possible - to find a place where in our cramped restaurant is not constantly someone on the dog's tail and this only stress. We like animals very much ourselves. But we also clearly forbid dogs on tatami or on our chairs - please also think about the Hygiene feeling of the other guests. Therefore, please also keep the dog with you (whether by leash or by education), so that it does not roam around the other guests, no matter how cute it is. Of course, we ask that the dogs do not leave their droppings in the green areas of the Amalienpassage, where people sit every day to eat without worrying!

13. Tatami: when you make a reservation with us (online), we always offer you only "normal" tables. However, if you would like to sit on tatami (Japanese rice straw mats where you take off your shoes), please note this in the comment field. Then, if tatami are still available, we will be happy to reserve one of the popular seats for you. We have tatami seats for 1-2 people, as well as tables for 3-5 people where you can sit (partially) on tatami. So a tatami table can be booked for a maximum of 5 people, in which case two would sit on normal stools. If due to the request for a tatami place a time shift should be necessary, we will try to contact you. If we have an e-mail address from you (See point 3 above), we will usually send you another confirmation, so you know that we have seen your request and we could reserve a tatami place for you. Dogs are generally not accepted on tatami. We also ask that you treat the tatami with a certain respect and - typically Japanese - also think of the other guests in the restaurant: tatami are not "reclining tables", but a wonderful part of Japanese culture.

14. Terrace: In the summer we open our terrace when the weather is suitable and we always try to reserve a table for you on the terrace. In case of changeable weather, the team on site always decides at short notice whether the terrace will be opened or not. Unfortunately, we can not give advance information or feedback about it. The reservation is nevertheless binding, so if in doubt, you do not want to sit inside, then please do not reserve, but just come spontaneously and see if something is free. Depending on planning / capacity / weather conditions, it may be difficult if individual guests want to sit inside while everyone else wants to sit outside or vice versa. In order to provide our usual quality of service, we sometimes also ask for the understanding of individual guests here - we want to serve you like in a restaurant, not like in a beer garden, but at the same time we have walkways like in a beer garden, which significantly increases the staffing requirements. Long story short: we do our best, but please understand that sometimes we can only offer what we can offer.

15. Very important: if for some reason you can't come or if your number of people changes, be sure to let us know! Not only for our team, but especially for other customers who we regularly have to turn away because all the seats are reserved, it is extremely annoying when it turns out in the end that someone who has reserved does not come after all. And if they reserve for 5 but only come in fours or threes, then we automatically have other table options to choose from, perhaps freeing up space again for other guests who are also very nice. So "let us know in time" doesn't mean "upon arrival", but much earlier.

And the other way around: if our opening hours change or we are exceptionally closed on a day, we will inform you on our homepage (a red banner, which is hard to miss) and via our Facebook page, so that you do not find yourself unexpectedly in front of closed doors during a spontaneous visit! Click on our Facebook page SUSHIYA sansaro simply click on "Like", then you will automatically stay up to date!

After this incredibly long text, we are already grateful if you have at least looked through one or two points. We invest an enormous amount of time and effort in representing Japanese cuisine well and making your stay a pleasant one. This gives us great pleasure, but unfortunately the deeper you work, the more complex and complicated it sometimes becomes - much like Japanese cuisine itself. Therefore, we are especially pleased with the open-minded regular customers like you who appreciate our efforts and are eager to approach our restaurant sansaro with appreciation. Thank you very much! If you have any questions or suggestions, we are always happy to help!

We are looking forward to your visit!