Digital business card for restaurant Sansaro | SUSHIYA sansaro

Digital business card for restaurant Sansaro

Does it sometimes happen to you that the number +498928808842 lights up in your cell phone display and you don't know who is calling and then you don't answer? Well - we have started in the last 3 years to call back guests who call us to make a reservation. We don't always manage to do that, but when we do, most guests are actually very happy.

However, it often happens to us that we do not reach the guests because they do not answer because of the supposedly unknown number - or are greeted with a grumpy "YES PLEASE?!!!" ....there is then often lost the desire for extra service 😉

That's why we have prepared a digital business card for you. Simple, but ingenious - now you always have our phone number and email address for any feedback or questions, as well as the address for cell phone navigation. Just download the V-Card, save directly in the cell phone or computer!

You will then find our restaurant sansaro under "sansaro" - both phone numbers are stored there, one for (spontaneous) reservation requests, one for take-away pre-orders. By the way - we are working on the fact that you will be able to pre-order take-aways online in the future. When the time comes, we will of course inform you about it in the newsletter.....

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