Drink recommendations New Year's Eve 2016 | SUSHIYA sansaro

Drinks recommendations New Year's Eve 2016

Japanese drink
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To get you in the mood for the exclusive menus, we would like to give you a few drink recommendations - treat yourself to something special!

To get you in the mood for the exclusive menus, we would like to give you a few drink recommendations - treat yourself to something special!

Good Japanese sake is a wonderfully flavorful drink, much like European wine it is best enjoyed chilled.

Of particular interest is the new Katsuyama KEN: Katsuyama produces exquisite premium sake with the greatest craftsmanship. The Katsuyama "Ken" (meaning "wonderful gift") is an easy drinking sake that rises in a soft and smooth fullness. An excellent balance between mild acidity and dryness distinguishes it. Comes only as a large bottle and is therefore really something for special occasions!

If you want to get an overview of different breweries and sake, we recommend the small "tasting bottles" of Amabuki, Dassai or even other traditional Japanese craft breweries.

Of course unbeatable for an event like New Year's Eve is always the wonderful Awasaki Sparkling Sake, a mild, fruity drink that is a must try! A new sparkling sake is the Shichiken Sparkling Dry, is also available for tasting for two in a small 0.36l bottle.

But also from our French Winemaker Champagne Platine 1er Cru Brut AC of Nicolas Maillart we have put a few small bottles (0.38l) for you in the refrigerator.

We have recently renewed our wine selection, it is especially worth a look at the Sauvignon Blanc "Sancerre AC" and the Siefersheimer Riesling "Porphyr". Wine & water belong together, which is why, by the way, we are happy to serve a carafe of water as a service with the bottled wines upon request.

For those who would like a strong finish, we recommend a small schnapps from the Tyrolean distillery Rochelt - available from us as Wiliams-Holunder ("Hollermandl"), Mirabelle and Basler Kirsche.

All details can be found in our drinks menu, which you are welcome to download here.

Enough talk - We look forward to a great evening with you!

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

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ミュンヘンの賑やかな学生街にある寿司和食レストランSUSHIYA sansaroでは調理スタッフ(正社員)を募集しています。 料理長 寿司・和食経験が10年以上(うち継続して日本で5年以上) 毎日の営業で仕込み・調理業務全般以外にも、スタッフの育成、イベント時の特別料理やコース料理の創作、在庫管理など 寿司・調理スタッフ 寿司・和食調理経験(日本で3年以上の修行経験のあるかた) 当店ではお料理、特に寿司にこだわり、ドイツのお客様にクオリティーの高い本格的な日本食を提供するよう調理スタッフが こだわりを徹底して日々向上心を持って取り組んでいます。 ミュンヘンでもっと寿司・和食のスキルを伸ばしたいやる気のある方大歓迎。 ドイツ在住の方、ワーホリなどビザ所有ですぐに働ける方はもちろん日本からの応募もお待ちしています。 語学力は不問です。 ・ビザサポートあり ・住居サポート可 ・週休2日制 ・各種社会保障完備 ・有給休暇あり (年間20日〜)毎年日数が増えていきます。 ・チップ支給 ・美味しい賄い付き

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