Kakushizushi - hidden sushi | SUSHIYA sansaro

Kakushizushi - hidden sushi

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Sushi is still one of our favorite topics - besides the usual known types, shapes or varieties of sushi, there are also a few very special ones, which we always like to present in our blog. And if you are very lucky, you can sometimes try these specialties in our restaurant or delivery service...

About 390 years ago, Ikeda Mitsumasa, the Daimyō of Bizen-Okayama (a coastal city in southern Japan) known as a wise man, issued an austerity decree for the populace: serve "only one soup and one dish" at each meal so that the city could recover quickly from the flood that had inundated Bizen. 

Although or precisely because in those times the daily meals were often only simple dishes, people still did not want to give up sumptuous dishes at festivals and special occasions. Therefore, they invented mixed sushi with various fish and vegetables from the surrounding area. They circumvented the constricting regulations by claiming that this mixed sushi platter was just one dish, which they called "Okoyama Bara Sushi." There was another name for this type of sushi: "kakushi sushi", which means "hidden sushi".

What is Kakushizushi?

Precious ingredients were hidden under vinegar rice, on top of which were spread shiitake mushrooms and vegetables. At first glance, the dish looked plain. The pleasing idea underneath was revealed only when you removed the surface of this special sushi and the luxurious ingredients appeared underneath. This allowed people to enjoy it further. On special days, Japanese people like to eat sushi not only because it tastes so good, but also because the colorful ingredients are good for the mood. A nice dish gives a nice feeling - the eye eats with us, they say, and this has always and especially been a tradition in Japan. We enrich you in the restaurant sansaro with this sushi in a time when we are hit by the many restrictions because of the pandemic.

How to enjoy the Kakushi Sushi from SUSHIYA delivery service best at home

Experience our "Kakushi Sushi" now in the Delivery service. From three inconspicuous packages you end up making a kakushi sushi with ochazuke:

Hidden sushi - three inconspicuous little bowls at the beginning... Step 1: Turn the sushi upside down into a slightly curved bowl or plate (180 degree turn). The first little "aha experience" - just be careful that the Prince Mitsumasa doesn't catch you at it 😉

Transfer to nicer bowls as desired, warming the tea if necessary.... Step 2 - Season to your liking: it's up to you to spice up your Kakushi Sushi any way you like with the ingredients provided: Leeks, egg wash, wasabi, fine nori strips, ume boshi, sesame seeds and/or Japanese rice pops.

Step 3: the delicious warm cha-zuke (tea broth) is now around the sushi put into the bowl.

The mixture of soaked rice, warm green tea combines for Japanese a wonderful feeling of home and good Japanese food. We will be glad if you like and taste it! Click here to order from the delivery service

Here you can learn more about the Sushi history and here more about interesting ingredients, without which sushi would actually be unthinkable.

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.

Omotenashi - Hospitality in Japanese

Omotenashi is the name for a special form of Japanese hospitality that is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and philosophy. Despite a clear division of roles, the relationship between guest and host is one of equality and mutual respect. The guest appreciates the efforts of the host and the host does everything to make the guest feel comfortable and have a pleasant experience.

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