Christmas 2023 in the restaurant sansaro | SUSHIYA sansaro

Christmas 2023 in the restaurant sansaro

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Of course, we are once again preparing something very special for the festive season at Restaurant sansaro:

At Christmas - 23.12. and 24.12. - we will be serving a very special Christmas menu.

And on 31.12.2023, New Year's Eve, there is as always a very special New Year's Eve menu.

We look forward to celebrating two very special menus with you.

Both menus will again be accompanied by an optional beverage selected by our sake sommelier - these accompaniments were already available at our Kaiseki Events the icing on the cake, so feel free to rely on us.

Christmas Omakase 2023 in the restaurant sansaro

On 23.12. and 24.12.2023 there will be a special menu in the restaurant sansaro for 110 euros per person. 

Here is a first look at the menu - of course, individual components may still change depending on the material available. 

Our chefs have been busy marinating, filleting, preparing and carving for days - this menu will once again offer a lot of love, a lot of manual work and many varied flavors. Don't miss this opportunity, there are still a few places left for December 23.

クリスマスメニュー Christmas menu

1st course 先付 Amuse Bouche

  • ネギトロ沢庵とアボガド長芋のタルタル 蓮根

  • さつまいも

  • 紅芋チップ


  • Negitoro & takuan and avocado & yam tartare with lotus root and sweet potato chips
  • Grilled scallops with Yuzu-Mayonnaise

2nd course 前菜 Appetizer


  • 無花果と沢庵白味噌マスカルボーネ和え
  • 鴨ロース煮
  • 長芋唐揚
  • サーモン塩昆布和え
  • カニクリームコロッケ
  • 明太子入りだし巻き
  • 法蓮草と人参のおひたし
  • 焼蕪酢味噌
  • ハマチ焼霜漬け


9 different small delicacies in the Jūbako box.

  • Fig and takuan with miso mascarpone cheese
  • Braised roast duck
  • Deep-fried yam
  • Salmon with seaweed
  • Croquette with crab cream
  • Dashimaki roll with cod roe
  • Spinach and carrot
  • Grilled turnip with miso vinegar
  • Grilled and marinated yellowtail
A box with 9 small delicacies is available to discover on 23.12. and 24.12. in the restaurant sansaro

3rd course 主菜 Main course

  • 鹿児島産和牛ローストビーフ 赤味噌ソースと刻み山葵クリームソース
  • 和風サラダ(ベビーリーフ、トマト、セロリ、生姜、ネギ、胡瓜、赤玉ねぎ、大根、人参、赤人参、黄人参、紫人参) 梅ドレッシング
  • Kagoshima Wagyū roast beef, akamiso, wasabi cream, salt
  • Salad with plum dressing (baby leaf, tomatoes, celery, ginger, spring onions, cucumber, red onions, radish, carrots)

4th course 飯物 Sushi

  • サーモン、胡瓜、海老、絹鞘、トロ、鮪、いくら、ウニ


Hako Chirashi Sushi

  • Salmon, cucumber, prawns, mangetout, toro, tuna, salmon roe, sea urchin  
(By the way, you can find out more about Hakozushi)
Hako Chirashi Sushi for Christmas 2023

小吸物 Soup (served together with sushi)

  • 箱ちらし寿司 (サーモン、胡瓜、海老、絹さや、トロ、鮪、いくら、雲丹、錦糸玉子)と小吸物 (鰤の生姜煮、炙り薄揚げ、赤人参、青葱、白味噌牛乳仕立て)
  • Shiromiso milk soup with braised yellowtail mackerel, deep-fried tofu, carrots and green onions
Hako-Zushi together with the (much praised!) special soup

6th gear 甘味 Kanmi

  • モミの木(抹茶クリームチーズ)
  • ラズベリームース
  • シナモンアイスクリーム
  • Matcha Christmas tree with raspberry mousse and cinnamon ice cream

As always: if you can't find a place online, send us a message - Sometimes there is just a problem with the reservation planning or we put you on the waiting list. 

However, the 24.12. is almost fully booked, so we recommend tasting the menu on 23.12.23.

New Year's Eve 2023 in the restaurant sansaro

This year, we will also be offering the New Year's Eve menu (Japanese: Ōmisoka) on 30.12.2023 to make New Year's Eve a little more relaxed and give more guests the opportunity to try Chef Oida's menu. You can find the details in the Blog article on New Year's Eve 2023.

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.

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